Google Maps, Corona situation in your area | Techpark - TechPark


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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Google Maps, Corona situation in your area | Techpark

A new feature on Google Maps, take a look at the Corona situation in your area


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Google map

Google map new feature

Growing corona infections. The number of victims is increasing day by day. In this situation, it is time to be more aware and follow the basic hygiene rules. Google took a new step towards that goal. This time a new layer feature is coming to Google Maps. Because of this, you can be careful before you go anywhere. Because through the google map app, you can know the number of corona attacks in the relevant area at the moment. Find out how safe the place is for you.


Sujoy Bandyopadhyay, product manager of Google App, says that the name of this tool is COVID 19 Info. This layer tab can be found in the right-hand corner of Google Maps. Google Maps will then show an overlay version of the area you are in. Through this, you will see the statistics of corona infection in 100,000 people in the last seven days in that area. Another label on the map will show you the coronagraph of that area. You can understand whether the corona infestation is increasing or decreasing in the area. In this case, using different colors, this app will present information about the new corona infestation in the area. If more corona is affected in an area, then that zone will be marked with red color. If the number of victims is low, the area will be shown in orange and yellow.

Sujoy added that in addition to all this, the corona infection statistics of 220 countries and provinces and regions that support the location on Google Maps will also be seen. Apart from this, the number of corona cases can also be known on the basis of the state and city of a country. According to Google, information about the corona has been gathered from multiple sources, including John Hopkins, Wikipedia, and the New York Times. Due to the fact that these organizations collect data from the World Health Organization, various government health centers, the Ministry of Health, and hospitals, there is not much chance of the information being wrong.

So, to make your journey safer in this corona situation, use the new feature of Google Map, COVID 19 Info. Take care of your body and health.