Mini lie detector
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Funny Technology |
Hello friends, how are you all? Come on everyone is fine. I wish you all the best. Welcome to today's blog from TechPark. I hope you will be able to know and learn something new from my blog today. Let's start the discussion in detail.We all lie more or less; If it is said that "I have never lied in my life" then this is probably the biggest lie.
However, today we will learn about the lie-detector gadget for true-false detection and if you want you can make a "mini lie detector" at home with a few electronics components.
A lie detector is a system [not just a circuit] where the answers to a person's questions are determined to be relatively true, much like converting the body's internal signals into physical signals. When we answer a question, first of all our brain analyzes the question and makes the answer as per your mind.
Suppose I ask you two questions (1) what is your name (2) do you watch pornography ??
Now our subconscious mind gives the truth to the answer to the first question effortlessly but makes a shamefully false answer to the answer to the second question.
Now truth and falsehood are the same as hearing, but considering the signals of the brain, your body reacts differently to lies as it reacts to truth, and the physical manifestation of this reaction is lie-detection; And the integrated form of the equipment used in the whole system is the lie detector.
How much does a lie detector actually work?
In fact, the ultimate truth is that the actual lie detector cannot show 100% accurate results because to date it has not been possible to create a computer / system that can track your-my brain; Our brain is the mini super computer itself.
Since a human brain cannot be judged on a lie-detector, it is difficult to take it as proof, but it can be taken as complimentary evidence.
How are lie detectors made?
A lie detector is not a specific device but a system made up of multiple devices together; Where Blood Circulation-Thermal Sensor-Heart Beat Ratings-Temperature Thermometer-Body Movement Sensor etc. various sophisticated systems are connected together.
Make your own mini lie detector at home:
If you think it's fun, it's fun, and if you think it's serious, you can be serious, because in science, just as there are fine, serious cells like neurons, there are fictional stories about the moon flying across the sky!
The components we need to make a lie detector
(1) TR1 = TR2 = TR3 = BC547 [You can use another similar n-p-n transistor]
(2) R1 = R2 = 1M ohm [M ohm is mega ohm; Quarter Watt will be registered]
(3) R3 = 10k ohm
(4) R4 = 470 ohm
(5) R5 = 47k ohm
(6) C1 = 100nF [ceramic capacitor]
(6) VR1 = 47k [This is a variable register that looks a lot like the inside of a fan regulator; It has three leg or pin points]
(2) L1 = Green LED, L2 = Red LED
(9) Battery = 9v DC
(10) Finger Pad = any thin copper plate or any such superconducting plate
Now connect according to the circuit diagram:
How does it work?
We often get nervous when we lie, at which time the body sweats due to the internal effects of our body, so the skin's resistance also decreases and the conductivity increases. Set the Finger Pad of the upper circuit by rotating the VR1 with any two fingers of the same hand [such as the index finger and middle finger] so that L1 burns in it; Now ask the victim if he is frightened by the lie, then the red light of L2 will light up. Here the green light is used as the determinant of truth and the red light as the determinant of falsehood.
Hee hee hee hee !!!!
If you are laughing at the above, then people would stop lying. The fact is that you are saying so confidently but it may be that you are forced to admit your lie in the trap of lie-detector. One study found that those who prided themselves on never being hypnotized lost to the subconscious in a very short time and became hypnotized… .So don't keep Ultra Confident!
Your questioning style compels the victim to tell the truth, just as we used to combine tears and runny nose at our father's rebuke as a child; Here the lie detector will only act as such an influencer. The upper circuit is not a complete lie detector but the smallest electronic element of an overall lie detector.
At the end of the post, I would like to give some simple clues. "It takes longer to talk than usual, but he may be lying." But also know that doubting is a sin so do not blame anyone before verifying the truth.
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