Best use of technology for children | Techpark - TechPark


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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Best use of technology for children | Techpark

The best use of technology for children


Best use of technology


Usually we hear everyone talking about various harmful aspects of technology. Its use is quite risky, especially for children. As technology is readily available and accessible, children are becoming increasingly addicted. However, technology can be very useful to children if they want. That is why it is necessary to know its use properly. Today we will learn about 10 ways on how children can use technology better.


1. Being a responsible digital citizen:


Citizens are an important part of a particular group. When we think of ourselves as citizens, we will be part of a larger group. Then it should be kept in mind that the impact of our work falls on others as well. So children need to be taught to respect others when they use technology.


2. Maintain good relations with distant relatives


 Nowadays with the help of video chat we can keep in touch with people from far and wide just like talking directly. Nowadays, children can use technology to recognize their grandparents or distant relatives. Talk to them regularly. This is undoubtedly a positive aspect of technology for children.


3. Use of smartwatches and other devices:


Nowadays kids use smartwatches which encourage them towards healthy living. Its use can also inspire others to build a healthy life. With GPS on these devices, parents can easily identify where their baby is.


4. Development of psychology


Studies have shown that children develop mental abilities when they use certain games and apps. But of course nothing excessive is good. Therefore, if used properly, technology will play a huge role in the psychological development of the child.


5. Showing creativity


There are many types of apps on smart devices through which children can showcase their creative talents through songs, pictures, poems, rhymes, coloring etc. Proper use of these apps helps children to awaken their hidden talents.


. To prepare for the future


At present almost every work involves technology in one way or another. In order for children to be able to work in the future, it is important to make them proficient in using technology from an early age. However, care must be taken so that they do not become addicted to technology.


Learning something new


We can learn something from technology every moment. So children should be encouraged to learn from this. There are many websites and YouTube channels for kids nowadays. From these sources they can learn and learn new things every day. Children need to be encouraged to use technology in these educational activities.