Care of Desktop computer top technology | Techpark - TechPark

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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Care of Desktop computer top technology | Techpark

Care of  Desktop computer

PC Care

Hello friends, how are you all? Come on everyone is fine. I wish you all the best. Welcome to today's blog from TechPark. I hope you will be able to know and learn something new from my blog today. Let's start the discussion in detail.The biggest enemy of computer is dust. So it is better not to put shoes or sandals in the room where the computer is kept. You can spread rugs at the entrance of the house.

♦ Computer mouse, monitor, keyboard, CPU must be cleaned every day.

♦ UPS should be disconnected from the power connection and wiped with a slightly damp cloth. As if there is no trace of dust.

♦ Outside device wires should be soaked in cleaning solution and wiped with a cotton cloth.

♦ The room where the computer is kept should be kept completely clean. Care should be taken not to accumulate any kind of spider web or dust. If necessary, the ceiling fan of the house should also be cleaned.

Necessary measures to protect the computer from viruses, spam, malware or malicious programs. Antivirus software needs to be updated regularly.

Above all, the place where the computer will be kept should be properly kept clean and tidy.

Monitor care

The place where the monitor will be kept should be as open as possible so that there is adequate ventilation.

Make sure that the ventilation holes in the back of the monitor are not covered by anything.

 It is not right to keep the monitor off unnecessarily, nor is it right to keep it off for a long time.

Monitor power and video can be damaged if the plug is not plugged in properly.

It is better not to touch the screen of LCD or LED monitor with your hands. Because the LCD of the monitor can become useless with a little pressure.

The monitor should be very careful in transport and maintenance, so that it is not damaged due to transport shocks.

It should be covered after use.

Magnetic materials should be kept away from the monitor.

The monitor will be placed in a flat place.

Wire or adapter should be checked before giving electrical connection.

Gently wipe the screen from left to right and from top to bottom with the cloth soaked in the liquid cleaner new and dry cotton cloth solution mentioned in the guideline. This liquid cannot be sprayed directly on the screen.

CPU care

♦ The CPU is usually connected to all other components such as: mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc.

Open all the wires from the CPU and open its lid. A thin cotton cloth should be used to wipe the liquid clean. Before that, dust and sand should be removed with a paint brush or blower.

The CPU must be kept in an open, dust-free and cool place as much as possible.

♦ At this time the computer RAM, DVD drive, hard disk, power supply and the fan attached to the processor should be well cleaned. All this work must be done very carefully with skilled hands.

♦ Under no circumstances can the ventilation of the CPU be disrupted. Regularly clean the inside and outside of the CPU. This is because the cooling system of the CPU may be disrupted due to accumulation of dust.

If there is any problem in power supply then all the work of CPU will be interrupted and various parts of it will be damaged. So it is better not to give direct electrical connection to the CPU. If necessary, UPS should be used.

 The computer must be turned on and off according to the rules. Cannot be restarted repeatedly without need.

Make sure that all components are properly fitted into the CPU and that their driver or driver software is up to date.

It is better not to keep unnecessary files and applications on the computer.

Mouse care

The mouse should be covered with a thin cloth, cover.

 It is not right to put something heavy on it. Because it is very delicate in nature.

Keep away from water bottles, glasses, tea, coffee or other beverages.

Use the pad under the mouse.

Optical mice should be wiped clean with a light cloth or cotton bud on and around the area where the red light comes out. Gently delete.

♦ Many people hit the mouse in excitement while playing games. It's not right to do that.

Keyboard care

♦ The keyboard should be covered with a thin cloth or cover.

You must first turn off your computer for cleaning. Then you have to unplug the keyboard cable from it.

All screws need to be removed by lowering the top of the keyboard. The back of the keyboard should be carefully removed and kept away, and the key parts should be kept separate.

♦ Make a solution with soap powder or liquid detergent in lukewarm water in a bowl. Wet the brush and clean the screws and key parts of the keyboard. Now the other parts have to be wiped with a clean cloth. Then leave it for a while to dry.

After it is completely dry, it should be applied again one by one. Remember that no part should be wet. Then the cable should be connected to the PC and power should be given.

To clean the keyboard, remove the keyboard from the computer with a paint brush and brush well to remove dust from the middle of the keyboard keys.

If you want to keep the hard disk drive good

At least 20% space should be left in each partition.

♦ Need to defragment regularly.

Once a week you have to defragment the boot time, that is, you have to defragment the system file along with the page file.

Note the hard disk temperature. Set the ‘critical’ temperature if needed, so that you can get the message when it gets too hot.

♦ Hard disk should be kept away from dust. Remember a small particle that is in your head.

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